Discord to ClickUp Featured Image
Posted by: Johnny Comments: 0

As a marketer, you know the struggle: tasks, content ideas, and deadlines often get buried within Discord. One moment you’re discussing campaign ideas, and the next moment they vanish under an avalanche of GIFs, memes, or unrelated messages. The constant back and forth can lead to lost opportunities and forgotten tasks.

To combat this issue, I decided to build a simple yet powerful solution that integrates task management directly into Discord using a slash command. The result? A custom /task command that allows anyone in your Discord server to seamlessly send tasks to ClickUp. No more hunting through endless chat logs—now, all tasks go straight to your ClickUp workspace with the ease of typing a single command.
/task TaskName TaskDescription

In this blog post, I’ll walk you through how to set up the Discord bot using Cloudflare Workers which can can handle a combined 100,000 requests per day for free to automatically send tasks from Discord to ClickUp.

Why Integrate Discord with ClickUp?

ClickUp is a fantastic project management tool that helps you organize and manage tasks, teams, and projects. However, it doesn’t integrate with Discord out of the box. Discord, on the other hand, is widely used for communication, especially in remote teams or among marketers and creatives who thrive on quick collaboration.

Here’s why combining Discord and ClickUp using a slash command can save your team time and effort:

  • No more copy-pasting tasks from chats: Automatically create tasks without leaving Discord.
  • Reduced task loss: Convert important discussions into actionable items before they’re forgotten.
  • Seamless team collaboration: Everyone on the team can easily contribute to project management in real time.
  • No flooding the chat: The bot only talks to the user creating the task, so it won’t fill up Discord with created task messages

Tools You’ll Need

  • Cloudflare Workers: Cloudflare Workers allow you to deploy serverless code that can be triggered by HTTP requests. Perfect for lightweight integrations like this one.
  • ClickUp API: The ClickUp API enables programmatic task creation within your ClickUp workspace.
  • Discord Developer Portal: You’ll need to create a bot in Discord that can respond to slash commands.

Step 1: Create a Discord Bot

Before you start, the first thing you’ll need to do is create a Discord bot. Here’s how:

Go to the Discord Developer Portal

Head over to Discord Developer Portal and log in.

Create a new application

Click on “New Application” and give your bot a name (e.g., “TaskBot”).

Adjust installation method

This bot only needs to be installed via servers, so you can uncheck User Install via Installation -> Installation Contexts.

Set Installation -> Install Link to none, as you will be using the OAuth2 section to create a url to install the bot on your server.

Don’t make the bot public

Set the bot to private under Bot -> Public Bot, otherwise anyone could add your bot to their server and start adding tasks into your ClickUp.

Step 2: Setup a CloudFlare Worker

Now we need to create the worker that will handle processing the data from Discord and passing it into Clickup.

Create a Worker

On your CloudFlare dashboard navigate to Workers & Pages and click “Create”. On the next page click “Create Worker”. Name your worker. If you have multiple Discord servers to set up, it may be best to name the worker based on the Discord server name. Don’t worry about the code for now, we’ll add it in a moment, but for now, click “Deploy”.

Add worker.js code

After you deploy, you’ll see an “Edit Code” button. Go ahead and click this.

Update worker.js

Replace the code within worker.js with the code from our Discord to ClickUp Bot Repository within workers.js.

Configure Variables and Secrets

Our CloudFlare Worker will need some secrets setup so that it can function properly. Go ahead and grab this info and set it up under Workers & Pages -> Worker Name -> Settings -> Variables and Secrets -> Add.

ClickUp Variables and Secrets

Here’s how you can obtain variables and secrets on the ClickUp side. Make sure you are within the Work Space that you want to be able to add tasks in.


On the clickup dashboard via the website, click your profile in the top right -> Settings -> Apps -> API Token -> Generate.


On the clickup dashboard via the website, click your profile in the top right -> Settings -> People-> Find the assignee you want, click the three dots, and click “Copy member ID”.


On the Work Space dashboard, find the list you want to have Discord post into. Click the 3 dots and copy link. It should look something like this:

The bolded numbers are your list ID.

Discord Variables and Secrets

Now you’ll need to get the variables and secrets for the Discord Bot.


On your Discord TaskBot Application navigate to General Information -> Public Key

Under General Information in the Discord TaskBot Application you’ll see an input for “Interactions Endpoint Url”. Add your CloudFlare Worker here.

If you get “interactions_endpoint_url”, then your Variables and Secrets may not have saved or your DISCORD_PUBLIC_KEY is incorrect.

Step 4: Register /task command

Next we need register the /task command so the Discord bot recognizes it.

You’ll need to do a POST call to Discord’s API:

You can find your guild_id by clicking your server name in Discord -> Server Settings -> Widget -> Server ID. If you do not see Server ID, you may need to enable Developer Mode in User Settings -> Advanced -> Developer Mode.

Application ID is under General Information within the Discord TaskBot Application.

Use the below for the body:

  "name": "task",
  "description": "Creates a task",
  "options": [
      "name": "title",
      "description": "What's the task?",
      "type": 3,
      "required": true
      "name": "description",
      "description": "What's the description of the task?",
      "type": 3,
      "required": false

For the Authorization header use Bot -> Token:


Step 5: Add the bot to your server

Replace client_id in the below link with the one found in OAuth2 and visit the link:

Step 6: Test it out!

Now all that’s left to do is to test to make sure it’s working. Go to one of your text channels in type /task. Fill out the Title (required) and tab over to Description if you want it to have one and press enter.

All Done

Once you submit the task, you should get a response back from the TaskBot that only you can see to indicate if it was successful or not.

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